11 - 11
The first show promotional
poster. We posted this all
around town in areas that
were fairly close to the venue.
We had a great turnout for
the show and some of the
posters were even stolen
right off the telephone poles.
Hopefully, they live in a
warm, dry place.
A series of these little media
monster creatures were
created to serve as symbols
for the merging of humanity
with technology. We continue
to make these as they seem
to provide new expressions
and personalities.
Media monster 2.
Typographic treatment for
the first poster. This detail
illustrates the idea of move-
ment within a flat planed
space. The idea was to
directly address the music
and its fluid nature.
Groove on.
Gnostic Evolution performing
at Someday Lounge, PDX.
We built a backdrop utilizing
old technology (old school
overhead projectors with
graphics printed on acetate
sheets and layered).
The first button design
working with a tagline of
sorts. If there is a brand
mantra, this is it.
More buttons using the
media monsters, the brand
color palette, and a variety
of other graphic illustrations.
Poster No.2.
Promotional poster detail.
Poster for Hiphopology –
celebrating the birth of Hip
Hop and its influence on the
music of Gnostic Evolution.
Hiphopology poster detail.
Gnostic Evolution is a beat boxer and musician who fuses a
uniquely humanist philosophy with an uncanny ability to
make sounds that shatter convention. He combines technology
with a surprising and captivating ability to engage and move
the audience.
We call him the Human Groove Box and wanted to create an
identity and brand based on that fun and grooviness. All colors,
typography and texture firmly ground the work in a playful
and exploratory space. He actually makes a majority of the
music on the fly and we set out to communicate this
improvisational style in a visually sophisticated manner.